
Hi, I’m Celeste — writer, author, consultant, traveler, outdoor addict, reader of good books, mama, wife, lifelong learner.

I host the Friday morning “Big Dreamers Book Club” via email, write books, host retreats for women in Bar Harbor, Maine, and run a small consulting business in the philanthropy space.

I’m also the lady behind the writing you see on this website.

What I do

I help women thrive—at home, at work, and where it really matters—inside. I do that through booksblogs, retreats, and Friday morning emails. If you’re someone with big dreams and you want encouragement for making them a reality, you belong here.

Who it’s for

Celesteorr.com was designed with adventurous women and mothers in mind, but if you’re anyone who has big dreams and who loves your people and wants to do life in a way you feel great about, you’re welcome here.   

Why it’s unique

I don’t want to waste your time. Frankly, I don’t think you have time to waste.

Over the past 20+ years of being a traveler, business owner, wife, and mom, I’ve had to redefine my life again and again to be able to live a life I feel good about. I’ve moved my family across the globe to Australia, changed careers, started my own business, moved back to the US, traveled full-time cross-country in an Airstream with my kids for 7 years as a digital nomad, put down roots in our favorite spot on the globe (Maine), pulled up those roots, and embarked on quite the journey to put them down again. You can read more about my story here.

In the process, I’ve learned so much about encouraging people to pursue their biggest dreams - so much I want to share with you and your big dreams.


What to do next

& Get started living the life you were always meant to live.

If you’re the leader of a media outlet or organization/foundation in the philanthropy space, visit my consulting page.

How it works

01 - When you join the email group, you’ll receive an email every Friday morning with encouragement and book recommendations to help you pursue your biggest dreams.

02 - When you hit reply to those emails, I’ll be there to encourage you.

03 - When you’re ready to take big steps toward making your biggest dreams come true, join a retreat or dig into one of my books, and I’ll help you go deeper.


   Welcome – I really am so glad YOU are here, and I can’t wait to see you living your biggest dreams.

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